The $300k price tag of becoming an MD
I’ve been trying to find blogs and other evidence of current medical students’ day to day and week to week lives as they navigate medical school and while I’ve managed to find some anecdotes, there’s not much out there that really paints a good picture of what I’m in for. Especially in my situation. And by situation I mean a full time job, husband, and three kids. What I did find is these exact words SEVERAL times; “it’s like drinking from a firehouse.” Okay I get it- it’s information overload. I knew this when I signed up.
I’ve searched through forums looking for evidence of people working while attending medical school. The majority say absolutely no. Even when it comes to commuting, people say no way, move closer. “A one hour commute is going to cut way too much into your studying.”
Ummm….. So I’m over here working full time (though I fully expected to cut back to part time), will be commuting just over an hour one way, and am basically a single parent through the week (since my husband works long second shift hours Mon-Thur).
How TF is that going to work? I already have a hefty amount of student loan debt and will have to take out a CONSIDERABLE amount just to pay for tuition and books. But if I have to quit my job and essentially take out even more loans to cover my salary for the next four years, I will never financially recover… as one Tiger King once said.
The financial advice given to incoming medical school students just doesn’t apply to me. I have cut all the corners I can cut. To top it off, once school starts, I will also start incurring a substantial daycare expense (as in, over two times the cost of our mortgage per month).
HOW THE F is this going to work????
Education shouldn’t be so financially inaccessible.